Postmodern Philosophy vs. 12-Step Recovery
know, inherently, that the title of this post itself is incredibly pretentious. I promise you, though, that I’ve got a point. When people refer to postmodernism, they’re talking about the pervasive sense of cynicism, irony and painful self-awareness in media and culture. What used to be funny is now, supposedly, stupid, cheap or lame. What […]

Oops, I did it again
Yes, I’m a 37 year-old man who used the title of a Britney Spears song for this blog post. So. Yeah. It happened again. I relapsed. I’ll get into the why – or at least what I think the true “why” of the relapse was – in just a moment. I first want to stress […]
Of Moths and Men
Just as we addicts of all stripes often try to find the easiest way to get as un-sober as possible as often as we deem necessary. This behavior can be reflected when we’re seeking a way out. It’s very easy to make an appointment with the next available professional who deals with your problems in […]
Self Will Run Riot
When I first stepped through the doors of AA, I had heard this term used quite often. I never knew what it had really meant. All I could think of was the word “riot”. What did this mean? Surely, I had everything under control. Throughout my 30 plus years drinking and drugging I had my […]

More About Alcoholism
I have read the Alcoholics Anonymous book “The Big Book” several times over and have spent countless hours pondering and relating to the ideas in it. Bill W., one of the AA founders, was the author of the majority of it. Being new to recovery and accepting the fact of alcoholism as a disease can […]

Came to Believe
This is such a difficult concept for some to take, myself included. I was born and raised as a Sunday and Holiday’s Catholic as a child and the Catholic faith left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought they were all hypocrites. And I was right. None of us are perfect – people in […]

Made a Decision
Our lives are full of daily decisions – some critical, some not so critical. Some have lasting impacts. Some don’t. Each are treated differently depending on the situation and various other factors while other decisions are instinctual. For example, I discovered that I always put my left leg into my pants first when I get […]

Disease of mind and body
I recall distinctly, after going out on another binge, everybody I loved asking me, “I don’t understand, when your life and family and all you love is on the line, why you CHOOSE to drink.” The truth is, I didn’t understand it either. It was unexplainable. I had been in the program of AA for […]